School Is Hard If You've Missed out.
We Can Help Students Catch Up & Stay on Track!
Sonomarin Tutoring and Test Prep has lots of ways to help!
Tutoring: we can assist with understanding and completion of notes and assignments, studying for exams, or using a look at future curriculum to help understand today's work. * Test Prep: we can explain strategies for multiple-choice and state testing, offer mindfulness techniques to reduce stress, and help students prepare for final exams. * Concierge Teaching: we can develop curriculum tailored to various students' situations - such as assisting someone in re-learning forgotten academic skills, learning academic topics before taking a qualifying exam, or filling in the gaps so a student can return fully prepared to the classroom. ![]() Sonomarin Tutoring & Test Prep is a local tutoring service for Sonoma and Marin County California students. Our tutors come from a strong foundation of experience, including credentialed teachers who have taught in both private and public schools for as many as 25 years. We have the expertise you are looking for to guide you through the challenges you face in your high school and middle school studies. We offer Math tutoring, History tutoring, and English tutoring, as well as SSAT/PSAT/SAT/ACT/GED prep, organizational strategies and learning difference assistance. Many of us have enjoyed being classroom teachers, and now offer that experience to you. We love learning and helping others learn, and are dedicated to helping you achieve success. If your goal is to complete your studies and learn all you can in the process, then we can help. Our goal is to tutor you through your studies and to help you enjoy school again. Our expert tutors can assist your student with Math tutoring, Spanish tutoring, History tutoring, or English tutoring, or any of our other services. And we can meet you at our Petaluma office, online, or (in certain circumstances) at another location.
We specialize in Math tutoring, Spanish tutoring, English tutoring, History tutoring, SAT/ACT prep, Concierge Teaching, and learning difference assistance. We also offer online tutoring for your convenience. If you do not have time to meet in person, please ask about online tutoring. |
Filling gaps & staying on-track
Sonomarin Tutoring is here for you! Vertical Divider
Janet taught me more about writing during two months of tutoring than I received in 4 years of high school, and she did it with patience, kindness, and a sense of humor. ~ Mike R. '12, Petaluma UCSD class of 2017 |